4 X Openhouse Magazine

Spanish editorial publication Openhouse highlights the places that people live and work, as well as the stories behind them. Published twice yearly, the magazine looks to bright, creative people from around the world, that open their homes or private spaces to the public and features different activities about gastronomy, art and design.

With the third issue recently published, we caught up with Andrew Trotter -one of the duo behind the publication- to find out more about it.

Openhouse Magazine looks to document the private and secret spaces of interesting and creative people, do you have a favourite secret space that you’d like to share with us?

In the 3 issues of Openhouse there are many places I love. One of my favourites is Cinema Flora near Cremona in Italy. In Italy most small villages had a town cinema, which was usually an industrial shed, with chairs and a screen. When TV started most of the cinemas closed down. Attilio and Paola thought it was a perfect place to build their home, and turned the space into a wonderful art filled space, full of light and plants. Instead of just living there, they installed a huge projector screen, and open their house to the residents of the village, their friends, and anyone who knows about it, for regular film nights. It’s amazing that they want to give something back to the village and create a community

Is there a home or studio (belonging to someone living or dead) that you would you most like to visit and why?

Lately we visited Els Comellars, in Mallorca by John Pawson which was one house I always wanted to see, next on my list would be the Koshino House, and early work by Tadao Ando.
When I was young it was Ando that inspiered me most, and when I saw his early houses, pure simple concrete boxes with amazing light, it changed my ideas completely. I worked for a couple of years for Michiko Koshino, so the next time I go to Japan, I will ask her to try and get me a visit.

Your publication is printed in Barcelona, where Openhouse is based, where’s your favourite place to eat out in the City?

If you come to Barcelona you must eat at Somodo. Simple and elegant, it’s Japanese owner who has lived in Barcelona for 35 years, spends the day preparing and cooking a seven course menu, with a michelin star quality of Mediterranean fresh produce with a Japanese twist, and only 25€. In the evening he is your waiter, with an impeccable eye for detail. 5 stars

What’s been you’re favourite experience whilst at Openhouse?

For the latest issue we stayed for 3 days in the house of architect Jorn Utzon, who designed the Sydney Opera House. Can Lis is situated outside a small town on the cliffs high above the sea in south west Mallorca. After Jorn and his wife passed away, their children set up the Utzon Foundation. Their parents loved to have visitors, and share the house with other architects and friends. so they decided when the house is not in use to give architects a free residence, to be able to think about a project, or just escape for a while and relax. First the house, so beautiful and simple gave us an amazing feeling of being at one with the surroundings and tranquility, but the feeling that these people gave us and others their house for free to enjoy mades us feel so very humble.

Whats next for Openhouse Magazine?

We have only just started ! For a while we would like to concentrate on making the magazine better and better, with a bit of travel in between.

Andrew wil be taking over our instagram platform for 24 hours on 30/07/15.

Purchase Openhouse here.

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