The Leica Camera Celebrates 100 Years

The invention of the first compact photo camera a hundred years ago was a breakthrough for professional and amateur photographers alike.

Exactly one century after the invention of the very first small-size camera – The Leica –  in 1914, a major exhibition has been organised at the House of Photography at the Deichtorhallen Museum in Hamburg.

The exhibition EYES WIDE OPEN: 100 YEARS OF LEICA PHOTOGRAPHY attempts to offer a comprehensive overview of the change in photography brought about by the invention and introduction of the infamous Leica.

Approximately 400 photographs, supplemented by documentary material, recount the history of small-format photography from its beginnings to the present day, including important material on loan from the factory archives of Leica Camera AG in Wetzlar – some of which has never been shown before.

EYES WIDE OPEN runs until the 11th January, 2015 at the Deichtorhallen Museum in Hamburg, Germany.

Read the full post on Yatzer.

1961-StroemholmNANA-yatzer-leica 1985-WilfriedBauer-Hongkong-yatzer-leica 1989-BerndArnold-Koelner-heil-bischofsring-yatzer-leica 1945-Jewgeni-Chaldej-2Mai-1945-SammlungErnstVollan-und-HeinzKrimmer-yatzer-leica 1945-AlfredEisenstaedt-yatzer-leica 1964-Ulrich-Mack-Wildpferde-yatzer-leica

1961-StroemholmNANA-yatzer-leica 1985-WilfriedBauer-Hongkong-yatzer-leica 1989-BerndArnold-Koelner-heil-bischofsring-yatzer-leica 1945-Jewgeni-Chaldej-2Mai-1945-SammlungErnstVollan-und-HeinzKrimmer-yatzer-leica 1945-AlfredEisenstaedt-yatzer-leica